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A moeda dos preços do CWS é cobrada no mesmo país onde sua empresa está localizada.
Por exemplo, se a sua nacionalidade for portuguesa mas o seu negócio estiver nos Estados Unidos, então o seu projeto será cobrado em USD.

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Cloud Platform para criar e gerenciar sistemas Web, POS, E-Commerces, Landing Pages, Blogs, Vlogs, +70 Plug-ins e muito mais... Funciona em todos os celulares e PCs, para os mais variados ramos de negócios.

Centro de Suporte


Central Web Systems © 2024 - 2024

Privacy Policy

These Terms of Service reflect the way CWS's business works, the laws that apply to our company, these terms help define CWS's relationship with you as you interact with our services. For example, these terms include certain points that we have always believed.

We collect information to provide better services to all of our users, which includes finding out basic things like the language you speak, to more complex things like the security of your login on our system. The information collected by CWS and how that information is used depends on how you use our services and how you manage privacy controls. When you are not signed in to a CWS Account, we store the information we collect with unique identifiers linked to the browser, application or device you are using. This allows us to retain your preferences across all browsing sessions. When you are signed in, we also collect information that we store with your CWS Account and that we treat as personal information.

By creating a CWS Account, you provide us with personal information that includes your name and a password. You can also add a phone number or payment information to your account. Even if you are not logged in to a CWS Account, you will be able to provide, for example, an email address, to communicate with CWS or receive updates about our Services. We also collect content that you create, upload or receive from others when using our services.

In order for this data to remain intact, we expressly advise against disclosing your password to third parties, even friends and relatives.

Changes to our privacy policy will be duly informed in this space.

22, November 2022.